For many, wearing a pair of sunglasses is more about style than health. Perfect glasses can indeed make you look like a celebrity, but did you know that they do much more than make you look mysterious? In fact, these tinted lenses go a long way in protecting your eyes. Here are some of the reasons why sunglasses are important to your health.

sunglasses on sand

Sunglasses Protect You From Ultraviolet Rays

Ultraviolet rays are regularly associated with side effects for the skin and eyes. Just as you apply sunscreen to prevent sunburn, you should wear a pair of Sunglasses to Protect Your Eyes as soon as you step outside. In fact, UV rays can cause the development of cataracts and be the cause of macular degeneration and photokeratitis.

All of these abnormalities can greatly affect your vision, but you can prevent them by wearing sunglasses. Fox News explained that many people wear hats to protect their eyes from UV rays, but the brim of these hats is about 50% less effective than sunglasses for protecting the eyes. So while wearing a baseball cap is a step in the right direction, this accessory does not replace the protection provided by sunglasses.

The source noted that sunglasses can also help reduce your risk of developing skin cancer. Many people do not realize that cancer is quite common on the eyelids and the sensitive skin around the eyes. Wearing sunglasses as soon as you go out can help prevent UV rays from damaging this area. It is also a simple way to protect yourself from facial wrinkles. If you're worried about making your pesky crow's feet worse, putting on a pair of sunglasses might keep these signs of aging at bay.

They Protect You From Debris

No need to play in the sand or hike in the forest to get debris in your eye. In fact, just walking the street puts yourself at risk of getting dust or dirt in your eye. Sunglasses are an effective barrier between your sensitive eyes and external debris, explained Eye Kit. When the wind picks up, you may get dirt in the face, which can lead to corneal erosion, the source said. Sunglasses help protect you from this painful injury.
Round sunglasses
Wind can also make your eyes dry and uncomfortable, but sunglasses can keep them moist by promoting tear production. This is especially important for contact lens wearers who are already experiencing dry eyes.

They Can Help Those With Chronic Headaches

If you've ever had a painful headache or suffer from migraines regularly, you know that protecting your eyes from light can help ease your discomfort. Headaches are often associated with an overactive visual cortex, said Jie Huang, Ph.D. associate professor of radiology at Michigan State University at WebMD. So whether you have occasional headaches or chronic migraines, be sure to wear sunglasses as soon as you get out of the house.

They Reduce Glare to Keep You Safe

The idea of ​​driving into the sunset may be wonderful and romantic, but anyone who has ever driven a vehicle during this time of the evening knows that the rays of the sun can be almost blinding. This is especially true when there is snow or ice on the road, as the light can cause even worse glare.

Fixing a harsh light is not only bad for your eyes, but glare can hinder your vision and put you at risk of being involved in a serious car accident. Eye Kit recommends that you always wear sunglasses with polarizing filters when driving to ensure your safety and that of your passengers.

They Can Help Your Eyes Heal After Lasik

Opting for LASIK is a great choice for improving your vision, and sunglasses help the recovery process after the procedure. Please wear glasses for 24 hours after your surgery, whether you are indoors or outdoors. You should also wear sunglasses for two days after your procedure as soon as you go out because they protect your face from debris, dirt and dangerous rays of the sun.

In general, sunglasses are much more than a question of style; they are an important accessory without which you should never go out. So the next time you consider dropping your sunglasses, remember all the ways they can protect you.
